Privacy EN

Versione Italiana

Information pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03

1. Subjects, methods and purposes of processing.

The Data Controller of personal data is audioprostore srl, with registered office in Milan.
The person responsible for the rights of interested parties is the head of the commercial department.
The data provided will be processed by the Administration Office. The processing has the purpose of correctly executing the contractual obligations assumed by our Company towards you, as well as providing for all accounting and tax obligations.
The processing of personal data will mainly take place using automated methods and with the aid of IT and telematic tools, always in full compliance with the confidentiality and security requirements required by law.
The provision of data is mandatory only with regard to the execution of the contract, since, in its absence, it will not be possible to follow up on your request.

2. Rights of the interested party.

We inform you that you can contact the Owner, or the person responsible for the rights of interested parties to assert your rights, as provided for by the art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03, aimed at:
– know the existence of processing of data concerning you;
– know the purposes and methods of the processing;
– obtain the cancellation, blocking, updating, rectification or modification of data.

How to manage personal data.

You can exercise these rights directly by sending an email to: indicating the requested action in the subject field:
“Data deletion” for the total removal of your data.
“Modify data” to update, modify, partially remove your data.
“Data information” for any other action or request regarding your data.
It is necessary to indicate in the text the details of the actions to be performed regarding your data and it is recommended to indicate the reasons.